My Path to Proper Formal Autism Diagnosis–Anlor Davin

The article below was written by autistic author Anlor Davin. It was originally published on her website and is reprinted here with her permission.  Anlor Davin grew up on the West Coast of France and immigrated to the United States in her 20s. She has written about some of her experiences growing up undiagnosed in her memoir Being Seen. She also shared shared some of her experience as an autistic French immigrant to the United States in a recent interview for this blog. In this article, Anlor sheds light on the difficulty of living without a diagnosis and how we can support others with autism throughout their lives.

Autism Interview #53: Anlor on Immigration with Autism and Practicing Zen

Anlor Davin

Anlor Davin is an autistic author, blogger, and Zen student. She grew up on the West Coast of France and immigrated to the United States in her 20s and then married and had a child all before receiving an autism diagnosis. She was eventually diagnosed at 46 and detailed some of her experiences growing up undiagnosed in her memoir Being Seen. This week she shared some of her experience as an autistic French immigrant to the United States and how she used meditation to help survive and eventually flourish.

Autism Interview #52: Mark Kent on Asperger’s Syndrome and M.E.

Mark Kent is an autistic writer and married father of four. Mark lives with Aspergers and Myalgic Encephalopathy (M.E.) (also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), a condition that makes everyday tasks challenging. Mark participates in a variety of research studies related to autism and M.E. and blogs about them at in order to help others improve awareness and understanding of people with disabilities. This week he shared some of his personal experiences as a father of four with Asperger’s Syndrome.

Autism Interview #50: Roy Dias on Aspergers and Fatherhood

Roy Dias teaches English as a second language at a school in Portugal where he lives with his wife and two sons. He and his two sons are all diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. In addition to teaching and caring for his family, he writes fiction to promote autism understanding and acceptance, including the Aspean series. This week he shared his experience publishing his series and raising two sons on the spectrum.

Autism Interview #49: Paula Sanchez on Autistic Identity

Paula Sanchez spent 18 years supporting adults in the criminal justice system before leaving her job to pursue a PhD program in autism. Both she and her son are on the autism spectrum, and she blogs about her experiences at This week Paula shared her experience developing an autistic identity after 40 and how people can best support and advocate their loved ones on the spectrum.

Autism Interview #47: Frank Ludwig on Autism Appreciation

Frank L. Ludwig is an Irish author of several short stories, plays, essays, and poems. He writes about autism appreciation, among other topics and believes “Autism is not only a natural but an indispensable part of human neurological diversity.” This week Frank shared with us his experience receiving a late diagnosis, and advice on how to not only respect individuals on the spectrum, but learn to appreciate the autism’s presence in society.

Autism Interview #46 Part 2: Courtney Johnson on Autism Advocacy

Courtney Johnson is a writer, public speaker, and Chemistry Ph.D Candidate on the autism spectrum. Courtney manages the website, where her goal is to share information she has learned through her varied life experiences to help individuals on the spectrum reach their full potential. Last week Courtney shared some of her personal experiences growing up on the spectrum. This week she discusses her advocacy work and how parents can best advocate for their children.

Autism Interview #46 Part 1: Courtney Johnson on Motivation

Courtney Johnson is a writer, public speaker, and Chemistry Ph.D Candidate on the autism spectrum. Courtney is a professional speaker on topics related to her experience with autism, inspiring her audience to achieve at higher levels. She also manages the website, where her goal is to share information she has learned through her varied life experiences to help individuals on the spectrum reach their full potential. This week Courtney shared some of her personal experiences growing up on the spectrum. Visit us next week to hear her discuss her advocacy work and how parents can best advocate for their children.