There is plenty of information about autism available online. This website attempts to aggregate information from a variety of autistic sources. Some organizations that place autistic individuals at the forefront of the public conversation about autism are listed below.
Ollibean “Our content is centered on full inclusion and acceptance, disability pride and culture, neurodiversity, parents who embrace and accept their children, autism and disability rights.”
Autpress –”Autonomous Press is an independent publisher of books by voices that are traditionally marginalized in publishing.”
Autistic Self Advocacy Network –”The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run by and for autistic people. ”
Autism Women & Nonbinary Network –”The mission of the Autism Women & Nonbinary Network is to provide effective supports to Autistic women and girls of all ages through a sense of community, advocacy and resources.”
Autism Acceptance Month –”During Autism Acceptance Month, we focus on sharing positive, respectful, and accurate information about autism and autistic people.”
Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism –”Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism (TPGA) is…a one-stop source for carefully curated, evidence-based information from autism parents, autistics, and autism professionals.”
Autistic Families International –”Our mission: creating change in families and communities by educating, encouraging, advocating, and upholding the rights of autistic parents, children and young people.”