Let’s expel some myths about autism and dating/sexuality this Valentine’s Day! As always, the best way to do this is to see what people on the spectrum are saying about the topic. Below you’ll find a variety of articles authored by #ActuallyAutistic writers who speak on the topic of dating, romance, and love on the spectrum.
Autistic Writers Known for Advocating in This Space
Amy Gravino, also known as “The Dr. Ruth of the Autistic Community,” is an autistic writer and speaker. She was recently featured in the video What Women With Autism Want You to Know, and she regularly speaks about dating, relationships, and sex.
Amy also participated in an interview on the topic of autism and sexuality for our blog.
Lindsey Nebeker is a blogger and classical pianist who was featured in the documentary Autism in Love and the Glamour article They’re Autistic—and They’re in Love. She is also featured here in an interview for the Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism and contributed the article So What’s the Fascination With Autism and Sex? to the same site.
Katherine May is an Autistic writer. May is the author of The 52 Seductions, and The Electricity of Every Living Thing. She was also featured in Violet Fenn’s article “No, Autistic People Are Not Sexless–Our Sex Lives Are As Varied As Anyone’s.”
Articles on Love, Relationships, and Sexuality on the Spectrum
Sex on the Spectrum by Madeleine Ryan
INSAR 2019: Gender, Sexuality, and Romantic Relationships by the Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
Dating Tips From a Man With Autism by Louis Scarantino
What It’s Like to Date When You’re on the Autism Spectrum by Megan Cramer
10 Things I Wish People Knew About Dating Someone on the Autism Spectrum by Kerry Magro
Why It’s Time to be Honest About Autistic Women and Sex by Amy Gravino
No, Autistic People Are Not Sexless–Our Sex Lives Are as Varied as Anyone’s by Violet Fenn
Yes, Autistic People Have Sex by Rose Howard